First days of school

So it is that time of the year again and the boys are headed back to school. This year Owen enters Kindergarten and finally joins his brother, something he has been looking forward to for two years. But after a couple months of summer it was chaotic trying to leave the house on that first day – parents had homework eaten by the computer, lunches needed to be made, and once again we had to wake up to an alarm which ended up not working (or at least the waking us up didn’t work). But two boys, all excited about returning to school, were up with beds made eating breakfast by the time mom and dad arrived on the scene.

Saddened to leave the boys, Melissa didn’t leave the school grounds until the afternoon. Now, truth be told she as “volunteering” but I am sure that was only the excuse πŸ™‚   We both joined the boys for their lunch break at which time I was finally able to remove the mother from school property and take her shopping – distractions work!

On the second day we got a call that Owen had gotten sick, running a fever of 101°. Which got him a day off from classes – and back home to comfort his mother.

For Joe, one that second day we woke up to him all dressed up – shirt & tie. Funny enough, he matched his dad which made drop off at the school fun πŸ™‚ He so enjoyed looking his best and as you can see by the two RRR stickers awarded – he is doing his best as well.

Both boys are excited to be back at school, and now a few days in we are starting to find our groove. The boys have a morning checklist to things that need doing, mom and dad are having a 5-10 minute coffee on the lanai to start things going, and we are all working as a team to get out the door. Looking forward to this year!

Welcome to the good Ol’ US of A

After 9 years of living south of the border, and close to 7 in processing, we finally received out green card. Comes at an interesting time in our life as both kids are off to school this year and Melissa has been looking to get back into helping out at a place here in town.

Does this change much, not really. We file less paperwork and we don’t need to pay any (or many?) more fees. So traveling in and out of the country could be easier. Just nice to have the process complete and things all formalized.

A little change does the body and mind good

So, as you can plainly see … we are in the middle of a little revamp of the website. Β  And the change is more extensive that those of the past – so might take a little playing to get everything working right. Β For that I ask humbly for your patience.

Basically, it was time, the previous design needed to be revamped and I wanted to start working and learning some new tech – I will keep you up-to-date on what is going on, though hopefully it will be pretty visible πŸ™‚